Families are our focus
Tresillian continued to respond to the changing times and needs of parents and in the year 2000 launched a new website, www.tresillian.net.au. The site featured a comprehensive description of services and tips for parents on a range of topics.
Help with how to settle a baby continues to be the most popular reason parents visit the Tresillian website now known as www.Tresillian.org.au
In 2001, Tresillian lost two key members of management. Council Member, Tom Hamilton who played a key role in establishing Tresillian Wentworth passed away in June, and Dr Neville Don, Director of Medical Services and Staff Specialist Paediatrician died after 25 years service. Dr Don was a highly valued member of staff who made a significant contribution to Tresillian at a management level, not to mention the care he gave to many families during this time. The Education Room at Canterbury was named the Dr Neville Don room in his honour.
Research & Education
The Education Unit continued to expand and thrive under the leadership of Dr Cathrine Fowler who ensured Tresillian’s long standing commitment to research continued. Several research projects were underway in partnership with other academics, child and family health organisations and government.
In April 2001, Tresillian introduced the Family & Parentcraft Nursing Certificate for Enrolled Nurses with 17 students completed the first Course. This program continued to be offered offered along with the Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing for Registered Nurses. By 2005 this Course was delivered in partnership with the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney, an exciting development for Tresillian. Tresillian’s Education Unit also introduced the Country Seminar Program where Tresillian staff conducted professional development for child and family health nurses in rural areas. These seminars were a welcome resource for nurses practising in isolated areas.
In partnership with the Department of Corrective Services, Dr Fowler also led the initiative to offer a parenting course Mothering at a Distance for incarcerated mother’s with the aim of improving knowledge and developing parenting practices for mothers while in prison and when released. The course commenced in 2005. It now been accepted as appropriate for Aboriginal mothers and continues to be provided within the NSW Correctional system. The feedback from the mothers and the correctional officers remains very positive.
Guthrie Child Care Centre
By now demand for childcare places in northern Sydney was enormous with long waiting lists everywhere. So, the decision was made to extend Guthrie Child Care Centre from 25 to 40 places. Both North Sydney Council and the Commonwealth Department of Planning and Community Services made financial contributions to this and the impressive new $1 million addition was officially opened by the Mayor of North Sydney Council, Ms Genia McCaffery in March, 2002.
Mr Bob Elmslie
In 2005, President, Mr Bob Elmslie OAM resigned, devoting 15 years to Tresillian as President and 33 years on Council. In 1977, Mr Elmslie was awarded the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal and in 1996, an OAM, for his contribution to Tresillian. He is also remembered at Tresillian on a commemorative plaque at Tresillian Canterbury. Mr Elmslie was a shrewd businessman and in 1967, started the stockbroking firm, Valder Elmslie & Co which he later sold to Hong Kong-based investment bank, Jardine Fleming in 1987 just before the stockmarket crashed. Amongst his greatest achievements were driving the opening of Tresillian Centres at Canterbury and Penrith, and the establishment of the Parent’s Help Line.
Solicitor, Ms Sandra Littlewood was then elected President of Council.
Tresillian Chair
A highlight of this period was a decision by the Tresillian Council to fund the Tresillian Chair in Child and Family Health for 5 years, in partnership with the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Family Health, University of Technology UTS (Sydney). In 2006, Dr Cathrine Fowler, Tresillian’s Education and Research Manager was appointed Professor for the Chair. This was only the second Chair of its kind in Australia. Professor Fowler has proven to be a valuable resource for Tresillian overseeing many research projects. She is also a highly sought after Conference speaker both in Australia and overseas.
Gidget Scholarship
In 2006, the Gidget Foundation, a not for profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness and advocacy of perinatal anxiety and depression, donated $100,000 to Tresillian for an annual study scholarship. The intention was that the interest earned would fund a Tresillian Nurse to study a course specialising in mental health. As an organisation we are incredibly grateful to the Gidget Foundation for this initiative which has enabled our nursing staff to broaden their knowledge in the area of mental health.
Changes to Service Delivery
Continuing to respond to the changing ways parents were seeking parenting information, in February 2006, Tresillian in partnership with internet service provider, Ninemsn, introduced a pilot program enabling parents to chat online with a Tresillian Nurse for advice on their baby. Funded by Ninemsn, the service was known as ‘Messenger Mums’ and was the first online service of its kind in the world. Today the service continues to be well utilised by parents. It’s known as Tresillian Live Advice and is generously sponsored by Johnson & Johnson.
Johnson & Johnson
Speaking of Johnson & Johnson, we commend them for their loyalty and commitment to Tresillian spanning 25 years. Over that period of time their management have ensured that critical services such as the Parent’s Help Line, and now Tresillian Live Advice, remain available to parents needing guidance and advice on their baby. Thank you Johnson & Johnson.