Mary Mahady
As a single parent, with no sleep and no support by the time my beautiful baby was 6 weeks, I was overwhelmed, do I really have to live the rest of my life in a dressing gown with no time for showers? I still remember making the initial phone call to Tresillian. They supported us, gave me the space to recover, met some amazing other parents where we laughed, bonded and relaxed over jokes and banter at Tresillian Petersham in the lounge room. so mentally therapeutic and healing. I left there with a calm baby who slept, who was content and in a routine I did not know how to provide. She is now a beautiful, capable adult and was a divine child from the day I left Tresillian, although she was a divine baby before, I just struggled to see it with the stress and demands, forever thankful for all the care and expertise for mums and bubs you provided as we navigated this new world. Thank you for ever. I have always referred to Tresillian as a lifesaver ever since.